my mam xperimen nak buat yam basket, tapi lepas goreng jadi macam pinggan la plak,,hehe ada la yg terkurang /terlebih bahan tu. yg penting le makan gak :P . bole la sedap, bole buat lagi kalau ada keladi murah
Cara Penyediaan
1. Sediakan sayur campur mengikut citarasa
2. Rebus keladi, tus dan lenyekkan
3. Campur sedikit tepung pada keladi sehingga ia mudah di bentuk
4. Bentuk adunan sehingga menjadi bentuk bakul, sedia untuk di goreng.
5. Susun atu sayur campur ke dalam bakul keladi goreng
6. Sedia untuk dihidang.
3 cups flour
7g instant yeast
2 tbsp milk powder
1 tsp bread softener
1 egg
1 tsp salt
1/4 corn oil
3/4 cups of warm water
1. Add sugar, yeast and 1/4 cup warm water (remaining water add to flour later), Let it be for 3minutes.
2. Mix flour, milk powder, bread softener, and salt.
3. Add the egg and the yeast mixture into the flour, add the remaining water accordingly and knead until it form a dough.
4. Spread the oil all over the dough and keep kneading until the dough surface become smooth.
5. Keep aside cover with damp cloth for 1 hour until double it size.
6. After 1 hour punch the dough and knead according to any shape that you wish.
7. Wait about 15 minutes, glaze with egg yolk on the surface and it's ready to bake.
Bake for 15-20 minutes at 220 degree